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Record Label: Jazzanova - Compost - Records.

"The flourishing co-operation between two German labels Jazzanova Records and Compost Records began in the summer 1997. Similar thoughts about jazzy tunes led to the founding of the new label Jazzanova-Compost Records (JCR) in the winter 1998. Not only the music of the Jazzanova-DJ collective and the favourite records of the Jazzanova-DJ-team, but also other projects are released on JCR. The collaboration between Jazzanova and Compost will guarantee the finest collection of current jazz impressions flavoured with unique and refreshing vibes and beats from the latest club sounds.
Jazzanova is a Berlin-based producer collective, consisting of the Jazzanova DJ-team (Jürgen von Knoblauch, Alexander Barck, Claas Brieler), Extended Spirit (Axel Reinemer & Stefan Leisering) and Kosma (Rosko Kretschmann). These guys are heavily into deep jazz and modern beats, which lead their tunes to a stunning fusion of retrospective music � which shows their roots - and new club sounds. They have created an individual melodic and percussion-orientated style, echoing house, d&b, tripHop, brazil, latin, funk and boogie. The aim of their productions and DJ-sets is, while oscillating between the different styles, to get the audience involved into the whole musical spectrum of that fusion.

Compost Records was founded by DJ and music journalist Michael Reinboth; his label is renown for world-class German drum&bass-productions, the excellent series of Future Sounds Of Jazz-compilations and other modern, eclectic tunes. Compost-acts are: A Forest Mighty Black, Beanfield, Fauna Flash, Rainer Trüby, Force & Paul, Move D, a.o.

The mastermind behind Compost Records, Michael Reinboth, has musically same roots as Jürgen von Knoblauch and Claas Brieler. Jürgen and Claas are Munich natives, and they know Michael since few years. Although Jürgen and Claas moved to Berlin in 1995 and 1996, the distance didn�t stop them changing old, rare records and new tunes with Michael."

Those Memes Are Free (2000 - 2004); This Is A Vanilla Site!